GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

  (Panama Standard Time)

Marine Surveys & Ship Classification

Each ship owner and his business are important to us. We believe in affordable services and are strictly confidential while providing some of the important services which include legal, insurance and acquisitions. All the formalities are done within the time period and deadlines set by the client. This has set their faith in our hands with confidence. Over a period of time, this is one of our key integrated services that bring potential and existing ship owners to our company’s shores. Our offshore expertise of Marine Surveys and Ship Classification has helped many businesses to flourish.

On acquisition of the vessel, ship owners need particular guidance regarding the following factors for smooth sailing in rough waters. Careful planning with our consultations will include:

  • Keep in mind the registration costs, yearly fees, nationality (Panama is the most sought after), how is the jurisdiction of the registration ranked in business circles, citizenship of the ship owner and most importantly the nature of the business for which the vessel has been purchased.
  • Our team will identify the best jurisdiction for your consideration weighing the pros and cons.
  • For first time ship owners we can also advice on the creating a corporate structure and formation of the company.
  • If the ship has been purchased from another owner, another nationality and flag has to be changed we facilitate the process. The team assigned will also help in the survey for getting the ship sea worthy without any delay.
  • Many ship owners are flummoxed with taxation and VAT. Our team will assist and provide the necessary guidance for the same. This takes off a major burden and helps doing business within legal parameters.
  • Our team will also take up the marine insurance cover which is equally critical. With times becoming hard, over all protection is the key to survival in a global state of fear.

Important information you need to know as a ship owner

Why is ship classification necessary for the owner? Why should the vessel has a name, should be checked yearly and a stamp of approval be given to it? What is the importance of the marine survey?

Ship owners who have been in business for long, know the need for the marine surveys and classifications. That’s how they are able to remain afloat when others drown for lack of proper and healthy facilities.

There are nearly 50 international classification societies that have set technical standards to help owners to maintain their ships. The classification is done on the basis of age of the vessel, size, ownership, nationality, nature of business, on shore and off shore structures, design, construction, seaworthiness, marine survey related services and facilities. Various rules apply for a vessel to qualify for a certificate. Various classifications help the ship to be preferred for business after surveys. Once the fitness and safety standards of the vessel are complete, the ship owner can conduct his trade without any hassle. With the marine belts in several nations suffering due to environmental concerns due to trade by sea, the onus of marine safety lies in the hands of ship owners. When their ships are in compliance with major international societies and classification, they indulge in fair practice and trade.

Nearly ten organizations that are essential for certification come under a consortium called IACS. They provide nearly 95% of the classification surveys and classifications for major mercantile activities worldwide.

ABS (American Bureau of Shipping)

BV (Bureau Veritas)

CCS (China Classification Society)

DNV (Det Norske Veritas)

GL (Germanischer Lloyd)

KR (Korean Register of Shipping)

LR (Lloyd's Register)

NK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK))

RINA (Registro Italiano Navale)

RS (Russian Maritime Register)

IRS (Indian Register of Shipping)