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Crew Endorsements Services for various Flag Administrations.
Even though the requirements may vary, in general the following procedure/requirements apply:
Required Information:
Based on the submitted copies of the specific Flag Administration's Application / Training Certificates / Supporting Documentation, provisional endorsements (with a 3-month validity) may be obtained (in the form of Letter of Receipt / Certificate of Acceptance of Application etc).
Within the validity period of the provisional endorsements, the required original documents as specified above need to be submitted to our offices, in order to be forwarded to the Flag Administration.
The Flag Administration will review the submitted information, confirm the authenticity of the Certificates of Competency / Endorsements with the issuing authorities and then proceed to issue permanent endorsements.
Again, the procedure varies between Flag Administrations and permanent Endorsements or Permanent Endorsements and Seaman's Books are issued, valid for 5 years.
The procedure for Renewals of Crew Endorsements is the same as above.