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Course Outline
Total Days – 5 days
Total hour – 33 hours
This course is designed to achieve the requirements for the engine room resource management for officers in charge of an engine watch, based on Regulation III/1, Section A-III/1 and Table A-III/1of the STCW 1978 Convention, as amended and the STCW Code.
To complete the learning objectives of individual conferences and discussion modules, including leadership, communications, team training, multicultural diversity, etc., and successfully participate in the simulator and team exercises, showing the knowledge about Engine Room Resource Management on corresponding to Regulation III/1, Section A-III/1 and Table A-III/1of the STCW 1978 Convention, as amended and its STCW Code.
This course is mainly addressed to candidates for:
As per M.S (Medical Examination for seafarers) Rules 2000 as amended from time to time.
Upon successful completion of the course, the participant must receive a course completion document for "Engine Room Resource Management”, in accordance with the Regulation III/1, Section A-III/1 and Table A-III/1of the STCW 1978 Convention, as amended and the STCW Code.
Not Above 30 per class
100% attendance is required for successful completion of the Course. However, in exceptional circumstances the relaxation can be given for genuine reasons.
70% or Above
Sundays & Govt. Holidays
A test will be conducted on completion of the Course
The Student will be given two more attempts if score below 70 %. In case if the student fails to get 70 % or above he needs to join the Course as Fresh.
After Successfully completion and Passing of Exam, a certificate will be issued to the Student certifying that he has successfully completed the Course.