Call: +91-9355000146 , +91-9355000147 Email:
GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
(Panama Standard Time)
1. One (1) color photograph, 4 x 4 cm (shoulders and face exposed, not headcovering, white background)
2. Application form
3. Passport copy
4. Experience or supporting document for the position:
4.1 Diploma and official credits of maritime training centres authorized by pma to train officers.
4.2 Seaman's book and company letter/s stating the seagoing service not less than 12 months as part of an approved training on ai
Seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kw propulsion power or more, meeting the requirements of section a-iii/1
Of the stcw code and the valid national legislation.
4.3 assessment of competence certificate according the valid national legislation.
5. Security proficiency certificate
7. Valid medical certificate according the section 1/9 of the stcw 78, as amended, and/or the mlc 2006, as amended (original document).
Meet the requirments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Certificate of competency & seaman's book issued by pma / diploma or certificate submitted by which the coc was granted.
Shall demonstrate continued professional competence as required in the section a-1/11, submitting at least one of the following conditions:
(CONDITION 1) Approved Seagoing Service performing functions appropriate to the certificate held, for a period of at least:
A. Twelve (12) months in total during the preceding five years, Or
B. Three (3) months in total during the preceding six months immediately prior to revalidating.
(CONDITION 2) Have completed satisfactorily the refresher and updating courses required by regulation i/11 of the code and approved by PMA.
Shall meet the requirement 6.3. When it applies, according the valid national legislation..
Seagoing Service shall be on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kw propulsion power or more and stated in the seaman's book duly stamped and in company letter/s duly letterhead detailing the ship's particulars (imo number, call sign, type of vessel, gross tonnage, propulsion power)
For Further Assistance and information please contact 9355000146/9355000147 or you can email us at