GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

  (Panama Standard Time)


Course Outlone

Total Days - 18 Working Days

Total hour - 140 Hours


All applicants for the Certificate of Competence for Upgrading Course for Master and Chief Mate on Ships of 500 Gross Tonnage or More must have the capacity to perform at the management level, the tasks, duties and responsibilities according to Regulation II/2, Section A-II/2 and Table A-II/2 of the STCW'78 Convention, as amended and its Training Code; since they are part of their integral formation; to fulfill the tasks:

  • Navigation.
  • Cargo Handling and Stowage.
  • Control of Ship Operation and Care of People on Board.

Scope & Objective

Demonstrate voyage planning and navigation knowing the accuracy of the resulting point; assess the breakdowns and defects reported in the cargo spaces by adopting the appropriate measures; and monitor compliance with legislative requirements and measures to guarantee the safety of human life at sea, maritime protection and protection of the marine environment.
At the end of this course, you can successfully demonstrate enough knowledge corresponding to Regulation II/2, Section A-II/2 and Table A-II/2of the STCW 1978 Convention, as amended and the STCW Code.

Teaching Medium


Entry Standards

The participant shall have:

  • To be in possession of a certificate of competence of officer in charge of the navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more.
  • Be in possession of the following course certificates:
  • Radar, APRA, bridge teamwork and search and rescue.
  • Operational use of the electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS).
  • Use of leadership and management skills.
  • Proficiency in handling survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats.
  • Advanced training in firefighting.
  • Medical care on board.

Medical Standard

As per M.S (Medical Examination for seafarers) Rules 2000 as amended from time to time.

Course Certificate

Upon successful completion of the course, the participant must receive a course completion document for "Upgrading for Masters and Chief Mates on Ships puff 500 Gross Tonnage or More”, in accordance with Regulation II/2, Section A-II/2 and Table A-II/2 of the STCW 1978 Convention, as amended and the STCW Code.


Not Above 30 per class

Required Attendance

100% attendance is required for successful completion of the Course. However, in exceptional circumstances the relaxation can be given for genuine reasons

Passing Percentage

70 % or Above


Sundays & Govt. Holidays


A test will be conducted on completion of the Course.

Re Exam

The Student will be given two more attempts if score below 70 %. In case if the student fails to get 70 % or above he needs to join the Course as Fresh.


After Successfully completion and Passing of Exam, a certificate will be issued to the Student certifying that he has successfully completed the Course.