GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

  (Panama Standard Time)

Personal Safety & Social Responsibility Course

Course Outlone

Total Days - 3

Total hour - 15 Hours


This course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for seafarers for familiarization, basic safety training and Instruction in accordance with Section A-VI/1-4 of STCW Code 1995 as amended in 2010..

Scope & Objective

This syllabus covers the requirements of the 1995 STCW convention and Code as amended in 2010, Chapter VI, Section A-VI/1-4. On meeting the minimum standard of competence in the course, a trainee will be able to:

Comply with emergency Procedure

Take precaution to prevent pollution of the marine environment.

Observe safe working practice.

Understand orders and to be understood in relation to shipboard duties.

Contribute to effective human relationship on board

Teaching Medium


Entry Standards

There are no specific for the Training in this model course. The Training is mandatory for all prospective seafarers , who should complete this basic training before being assigned to any shipboard duties.

Medical Standard

As per M.S (Medical Examination for seafarers) Rules 2000 as amended from time to time.

Course Certificate

On successful completion of the course & demonstration of competence, a certificate will be issued certifying that the holder has met the standard of competence specified in Table A –VI/I-4 of STCW 95 and 2010 manila amendments.


Not Above 30 per class

Required Attendance

100% attendance is required for successful completion of the Course. However, in exceptional circumstances the relaxation can be given for genuine reasons

Passing Percentage

70 % or Above


Sundays & Govt. Holidays


A test will be conducted on completion of the Course

Re Exam

The Student will be given two more attempts if score below 70 %. In case if the student fails to get 70 % or above he needs to Join the Course as Fresh.


After Successfully completion and Passing of Exam A certificate will be issued to the Student certifying that he has successfully completed the Course.