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Course Outlone
Total Days - 3 Days
Total hour - 20 Hours
This course is indented to provide knowledge to those who may be designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of a Company Security Officer (SSO), as defined in the Chapter XI-2 of the SOLAS 1974 Convention, as amended, and Prescriptions 2.1.7 and 11, Part A of the ISPS Code, and in particular the duties and responsibilities with respect to the security of a ship, for implementing and maintaining a Ship Security Plan and for liaising with the Ship Security Officer (SSO) and with Port Facility Security Officers (PFSOs).
Scope & Objective
Achieve the level of competence required to enable them to comply with the roles and responsibilities of the Company Security Officer as described in the prescriptions 2.1.7 and 11, Part A of the ISPS Code.
This knowledge shall include, but are not limited to:
Teaching Medium
Entry Standards
The participant shall have:
Medical Standard
As per M.S (Medical Examination for seafarers) Rules 2000 as amended from time to time.
Course Certificate
In the successful completion of the course, the participant must receive a document certifying that he has obtained the minimum knowledge necessary to perform the functions and execute the responsibilities that correspond to the “Company Security Officer”, pursuant to Chapter XI-2 of the SOLAS 1974 Convention, as amended, and Prescriptions 2.1.7 and 11, Part A of the ISPS Code.
Not Above 30 per class
Required Attendance
100% attendance is required for successful completion of the Course. However, in exceptional circumstances the relaxation can be given for genuine reasons
Passing Percentage
70 % or Above
Sundays & Govt. Holidays
A test will be conducted on completion of the Course.
Re Exam
The Student will be given two more attempts if score below 70 %. In case if the student fails to get 70 % or above he needs to join the Course as Fresh.
After Successfully completion and Passing of Exam, a certificate will be issued to the Student certifying that he has successfully completed the Course.